Book Review: The Little Things


I’ll admit, I made more than my fair share of stupid decisions, but all it took was an accidental felony and a teensy kitchen fire to turn my life upside down.

When my parents cut me off, selling my swanky Los Angeles apartment and shipping me off to some ranch in the middle of nowhere to teach me a lesson, I thought it was the worst thing that could happen to me.

Then I got to Safe Haven Ranch and met my new boss.

Zach Paulson is an older, grumpy cowboy who thinks I’m nothing more than a spoiled princess and doesn’t want me on his turf. He also happens to be drop-dead gorgeous, and can wear a faded pair of Wranglers better than any other man alive.

The dumbest thing I can do is fall into lust with the temperamental rancher. Unfortunately, I’m not exactly known for making good choices.

But I’m determined to do better this time. I want to prove to myself and everyone else that I’m more than the shallow, self-absorbed socialite I’ve been playing at for years. I have a plan. Keep my head down, do my work, and don’t make any mistakes.

The problem is, I’m not the only one with a crush, and all my defenses are useless against a man like Zach when he puts his mind to getting what he wants.

My Review

Talk about a steamy read. Yet that is not the only element that Jessica brought me with this book. She brings the emotions, a grumpy but good-looking rancher and a sweet FMC. 

Rae is a sweetheart. Love that she was willing to embrace her surroundings. She may have come from privilege, but she did not act like a spoiled brat. She is very likable. She truly won me over when she stood up in that one moment for those she cared for a lot and that is Zach. 

Once I got to know Zach and his childhood, I really came to understand him. He is not grumpy, just a bit introverted. The slow burn romance that transpired between Zach and Rae is great. It made the intimate moments that much more spicer! 

Narrators Ava Erickson and Rock Engle did amazing job of narrating this book. They really brought the story to life. I was hooked and fully gave all my attention while listening to the audiobook. 


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