Book Review: Ends of Being



She’s a f**king menace.

She has no regard for her safety and dances along the tongue in the mouth of danger.

A loose cannon who torments me day in and day out.

She thinks I can’t rise to meet her challenge. She thinks I don’t know what goes on in that beautiful head of hers.

But she’s sorely mistaken.

Mistaken about who exactly she is to me.

Mistaken about how much danger she’s in.

And mistaken about what I can take.

Challenge f**king accepted.

It’s adorable really. How tough, “Mr. Clark Kent”, thinks he is, in his starched shirts and cashmere sweaters.

A bore to his core, he’s my favorite target of torment. I love to push his buttons and see how far I can take it.

But something about him calls to me.

Somehow I know there is more to him than meets the eye.

What will it take to make him loosen that tie and release the beast?

What harm can it actually bring?

I intend to find out.

My Review

If you are looking for an adrenaline, steamy, roller coaster ride that packs a punch, then you need to check out this book. Although, I am going to recommend that you listen to the audio version. It is the chef's kiss! Narrators, voEROS, Charlie L Wood, and Joel Whedon all did amazing with voicing the characters.  

Antoinette 'Toni' is my girl! I love her so much. The way that she called Darius out on his sh!t had me laughing. The nickname of Clark Kent that Darius had was perfect. He may have seemed mild at work but outside of it, he was the complete opposite. 

These two are like fire and match. When you get them together, they are high volatile! This is exactly how I felt reading listening to this book. It moved so fast and there was so much action, and I loved every moment of this story. 


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