Book Review: Endscape


In ENDscape, I found myself writing about the experience of being lost, yet always yearning to be found. It reflects the desire to escape the darkness, even when a part of us is drawn to linger in it. Every corner of our minds holds a mirror to life’s most profound struggles.

These poems delve into the weight of feeling trapped, the silent battles fought within the shadows of the soul, and the relentless yearning for an escape that always seems just beyond reach. Whether we confront these struggles head-on, evade them, or carry them silently within us, they are burdens we all bear.

ENDscape seeks to capture the raw bursts of emotion that arise in these moments—haunting thoughts and feelings that emerge from deep within our own minds. It explores the inner turmoil that often intertwines with self-doubt, weaving a tapestry of the human experience.

My Review

Hydrus does it again...blows me away with his words! Not that I had any doubt as I am never disappointed by his work. 

I really felt the strong emotions that the works evoked while reading this book. Yet, the words were made even more powerful by the images that Hydrus took. 

I drink my ghosts

To forget I am dead

I found myself really drawn into the poems and some more than others that I had to reread them. This book will stick with you deep in your soul, long after you have finished the book. 

Far you went

Away from me

Stole my heart

Erased the key

Unlocked a love

I found in you

An endless heaven

You are my truth


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