Book Review: Burning Quarter


“I may be an inferno, but you, lil spark…you ignited me.”

Sane people fear fire and the destruction that tends to follow. I, however, never claimed to be such a person. After all, fires destroy everything, leaving nothing behind, and when I saw no other way to escape my fate, it was fire that provided me with one.

Now, four hundred miles from the only place I’ve ever known. I have a new name, a new home, and my shop. A whole new life. Things seem to be going great. That is, until him.

He came into my life out of nowhere, burning and melting my walls like a blazing inferno of chaos and destruction. The only problem is that I like it.

I don’t know what I crave more. The kiss of the burning flames against my skin or the rough hands of the psychopath who lit the match.

But what I do know is that no matter what happens, its him I want to burn with.

My Review

This book is the second in this duet. While the first does not have to be read as this does feature another couple, I will guarantee you that you will want to read both of these books. It was cool to see Greyson and Alora again. 

Lennox is lucky that he is good looking as in the beginning he kissed Stevie first and asked her name later. However, the attraction shared between Stevie and Lennox is like two moths drawn to a flame. They have an instant chemistry that burns hot. 

The way that Lennox goes from hardcore to tender with Stevie is hot. He does not push Stevie too much with what she has going on. He knows just the right balance to support her. 


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