Book Feature: Soul Masters


He wants to claim her soul. But could she capture his heart?

On a hike through the forest, Mayela stumbles into a terrifying world where immortals hunt souls. To survive she secures protection from a Soul Master. When he demands payment, Mayela fights back. But how can she fight the desire consuming her heart?

Every soul Nathan claims expands the power of his realm. In Mayela, he finds a rare gift that could guarantee his place among the Soul Masters. All he must do is secure her allegiance without losing his heart. And Nathan has no heart to lose. Or does he?

With eternity at stake, Mayela and Nathan ignite a transcendent passion that breaks all the rules. Among the Soul Masters, a malevolent force awakens. The final hunt is on…

My Review

This is the type of book that you can get drawn into right away. Which is always a great thing when I instantly connect with a story and the characters. Even before I really knew Nathan, I already felt connected to him. He had that aura about him.

I thought that Mayela's profession did lend nicely to the story. Where is a bit of a build up before us readers learn about what the Hunting Grounds is all about. The story does shift back and forth between the present and the Hunting Grounds.

This story is a bit of a history lesson as well. Nathan has captured a lot of famous souls. There were some I had never heard of before. Looking for your next fast, paced read then pick up this book.


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