Audio Book Review: Break Out



That feeling you get skating across the ice, legs burning, adrenaline pumping. It’s unmatched. Much like my current stats.

Hockey has always been my sole focus, getting to the playoffs, winning the Stanley Cup—that’s my number one goal.

I won’t let the fact that I’ve just been traded to a new team derail my future. Nor will the daughter of the so-called King of Canada, aka my new boss. Aliyah, the gorgeous, feisty brunette who’s just been assigned as my official “babysitter.”

Although, when you're trapped in a room with a temptation like her, there’s only so much restraint one man can have.

I probably should have listened to the rumors about the owner of the Vancouver Knights being Canada’s most ruthless and feared mob boss. Because when he finds out what I’ve done with his daughter, it’s not just my career on the chopping block.

It’s my neck.

Both, I’m willing to risk. For her. To save her.


When your whole life is mapped out for you, choices aren’t a freedom you’re granted.

You do whatever it is you’re told to do.

So, when my father tells me he needs me to watch over one of his new recruits, even though spending all of my free time with a cocky-ass hockey player is the last thing I want to be doing, I agree.


Because nobody says no to Jacob Monroe and lives to tell the tale. Not even me.

I mean, how hard can it be? It’s one guy. A hockey player.

Liam King. An athlete with a physique carved out of stone, and a smirk that not only melts my panties off but sets my whole body on fire.

An inferno I can’t help but give in to and a desire I can’t help but feed.

He’s not part of the plan. He’s temporary. Dropping in and passing by. I just need to get my heart to understand that I can’t keep him.

No matter how much I might want to.

My Review

Aliyah is a feisty one. I love her a lot. The way that she kept Liam on his toes was funny. Yet, Liam working for Aliyah made him show just how much he loved her. He would walk through fire for her or at least stand up to her brother and father. Every time that these two got together, it was HOT! They would melt the ice with their chemistry.

Looking for your next smexy hockey romance! This is the book you need. Yet, I suggest listening to the audio version. The narrators Angelina Rocca and Tim Paige did an amazing job with the audio book. Their voices are clear and brought the story to life. I would listen to them both for a long time. In fact, I will be checking out more audio books read by them. 


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