Book Review: Bloody Quarter


Don’t worry, Doll. You’ll taste heaven before you walk with the dead.

Was I dead? I had wanted to die. I remembered deciding that I was done with this life and done with the memories and ghosts that haunted me. I’d looked at the darkness below and prayed for it to swallow me whole. Spreading my arms wide, I stepped off the ledge and woke up in hell. At least, I thought it was hell. It was hard to tell anymore. My soul was ripped from my chest long before now, and my heart had stopped beating when the gavel banged, sentencing me to ten years in prison. So what was this place?

The man who had me must be the devil, and I was his doll. Solely there for his entertainment. I never expected the devil to be as sexy as sin and just as tempting as an addiction. Even in death, tortured, and used, I couldn’t be helped. I wanted him, and every depraved thing he did only hammered home that my soul couldn’t be saved. I always knew I was destined for hell.

My Review

Do you like you book boyfriends extremely dark?
Do you like them with all the red flags?
Do you like extracurricular activities like running through the woods in the dark?

If you answered yes, to all of the above, then this book is for you!

Get yourself comfortable as you are in for one dark, spicy read. Once I started reading, I could not stop. I was in for the long haul.

Greyson is an Alpha predator and he has his sights on Alora. The story gets steamier and steamier as it progresses. Brooklyn knocks it out of the park with this book!


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