Book Review: Kismet


Is it possible for someone to actually fuck your brains out? Because Tracey hasn’t made a single sane decision since she began sleeping with Mitch. The sexy and charismatic advertising executive who just so happens to be her boss.

When Mitch ends the forbidden situationship, Tracey is left unemployed, single and at a crossroads. After all, this is not how she expected her twenties to play out. Her friends seem to have better jobs, better salaries and are having far better sex.

Tracey needs help.

In this choose-your-own erotic adventure, help Tracey broaden her horizons and find herself. And maybe she will find another man along the way.

My Review
I grew up on choose your own adventure books. I can remember sitting for hours on the library floor in front of the choose your own adventure book section and just reading book after book. Now a days I read mostly romance, so to have a combination of these two genres, I had to read this book. Not disappointed. 

When it comes to Tracey, I did feel sad for her. She really seemed to get the short end of the stick. To be honest, not sad when she had her creepy boss broke up and she was fired from her job. She deserved better. 

This was a fun and entertaining book to read. No matter what choices you choose for Tracey, you really can't go wrong as this book is an interactive experience. 


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