Book Review: CurVy Forever


I'm Vallie, but not to the Vaughn brothers.
Donnie calls me Pup,
Tyler loves me as his Vallie Baby,
And Dexter’s name for me is Baby Girl…

So there I was, just minding my own business, creating TikToks for my followers about masked men who kidnap the girl and make all their dark fantasies come true, when Donnie and his insane twin brother decided to break into my home and do just that…

Destroy me.

I didn’t ask for this…

Did I?

DISCLAIMER: This is the second book in the Curvy 13 Playlist and needs to be read after book one. It is not a standalone.

My Review

Wow, the first book was full of spice but this one is full on smutty goodness! I devoured this novella in a matter of a few short hours. After the cliffhanger ending, I needed to know what was going to happen to Donnie and Tyler.  

In the first book, Donnie was kind of running the show and Tyler was the silent one. Yet, he had a reason for being silent and when it was revealed my heart broke for him. In this book, for about forty percent of the story it is mainly the Tyler show. 

Not much was disclosed about Tyler and Donnie's older brother, Dexter. In this book, the mysterious Dexter is revealed. Oh boy oh boy, did I fall for him. He was a really good addition to this group. While this book is all about the spiciness, there was a moment between Tyler and Dexter that was very heartfelt. Nicci, I am here for all the smut!


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