Bitches To Witches

Witches aren't real, are they? No, they aren't, at least, that's what Nat keeps telling herself. A witch and a human can't possibly make their friendship work, but that's exactly what Nat and Sybil are doing, and they're absolutely killing it. Well, killing it until Nat catches Sybil practicing magic. She must be hallucinating, or maybe she had a seizure, but she damn sure thought she saw a floating desk. That's weird, right? Yes, it is, but when Sybil realizes she has no choice but to tell Nat the truth, Nat can't imagine a world where witches exist and magic is legit. A secret exposed only lends to an already sketchy world, because it's becoming glaringly obvious that there's more to Westin Prep than meets the eye. When a student goes missing and turns up nearly dead, blood sacrifice is the word being thrown around. Between that and a cute track star paying attention to Nat for the first time, her world is about to take a drastic turn. Bitche...