India + Giveaway
Book Details:Book Title: INDIA by Debra Schoenberger
Category: Adult Non Fiction, 164 pages
Genre: Photography / Travel / Culture
Publisher: Blurb
Release date: January 2017
Format available for review: ebook (PDF & ePUB)
Will send ebooks for review to: International
Tour dates: March 6-24, 2017
Content Rating: G
Book Description:
I have always been fascinated by the sheer beauty and diversity in Indian culture. "Sensory overload in a glance" is an apt description of a country that is always in movement. To be able to stand still in the middle of all that movement allows me to really "see" her people and absorb the flow of life from birth to death.
From learning how to make yellow ink from cow urine to watching funeral pyres burn in Varanasi, I realized that I would have to spend a lifetime here to grasp the immense value of her art, stunning architecture, fascinating food and love of all that is beautiful.
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Meet the author / photographer:
Debra Schoenberger aka #girlwithcamera
"My dad always carried a camera under the seat of his car and was constantly taking pictures. I think that his example, together with pouring over National Geographic magazines as a child fuelled my curiosity for the world around me.
I am a documentary photographer and street photography is my passion. Some of my images have been chosen by National Geographic as editor's favourites and are on display in the National Geographic museum in Washington, DC. I also have an off-kilter sense of humour so I'm always looking for the unusual.
Connect with the author: Website ~ Facebook ~ Instagram ~ Pinterest
What is the best camera?
Pretty much the camera you have on you at the time. I take a lot of pictures with my cell phone just because it’s always with me. Two of the more popular camera brands are Canon and Nikon. I prefer Canon myself (I’m not saying that it’s better than Nikon) because of selection of different lenses that come with the Canon system. I’ve used several Canons over the past 35 years and presently use a Canon 5D Mark II professional camera. I love the results I get with this camera. I also use a Leica M240 which is a rangefinder and very different from the Canon. The Leica produces images with a faint 3D effect and a softer image, more reminiscent of what film photography looks like.
What do you look for when buying a camera?
When looking for a camera online, I choose a few that have features that I like within my price range. Then I go to a camera store and hold the camera in my hand for fit and try out the different features. I’ve discovered that what looks good in theory, doesn’t always feel good in person. I have a small hand so the camera has to be small enough to be comfortable in my hands.
What do you look for when buying a camera strap?
After a fair bit of research, I found a camera strap from Black Rapid that is designed especially for women. It fits wonderfully across the body and hangs your camera down by your hip using a screw that connects to the tripod socket of your camera. This is great for a heavier camera and leaves your hands free (especially when you’re waving at the bus to not leave you behind!) You can buy this strap here:
This strap is an excellent investment.