Abduction with Cynthia Eden
by Cynthia Eden
Intrigue: February 21, 2017
$5.75 U.S.; 272 Pages
New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden has killer instincts when it comes to
breathtaking suspense!

When a series of
accidents begins to plague Jill, Hayden won't let her fall victim again.
There's too much history between them—and too much desire.
CYNTHIA EDEN is a New York Times and
USA Today bestselling author. She writes dark tales of romantic suspense
and paranormal romance. Her books have received starred reviews from Publishers
Weekly, and one was named a 2013 RITA® finalist for best romantic suspense.
Cynthia lives in the Deep South, loves horror movies and has an addiction to
chocolate. More information about Cynthia may be found at www.cynthiaeden.com.
with Cynthia Eden – Abduction
1) How did you come up with the relationship
between Sheriff Hayden Black and
Jillian West? I wanted to create characters who’d met under
extreme circumstances—Jillian and Hayden immediately sprang to mind for me. In
many ways, the two characters are opposites—and it’s those opposite traits that
draw them together.
2) What is your favorite part about writing Romantic Suspense books? I love writing romantic
suspense novels because I enjoy including twists and turns for my readers. I’m
all about action in my stories—and romantic suspense novels help me to keep an
action-focused plot.
3) Do you have any traditions you enjoy during
early Spring? Heading
to the beach is a must for me each spring. I’m lucky to live along the coast,
so as soon as the temperatures start to climb, my toes are usually in the sand.
4) When did you first realize you wanted to be
a writer? Too long ago to
remember! I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and even when I was a small kid, I
was creating stories. I loved to change up the ending to fairy tales.
5) How long does it take you to write a book? It typically takes me about six weeks to
write a book—but I have been writing full-time for over ten years now. So I
have a rhythm when I write, and I’m able to use that rhythm to stay on pace
with my deadlines.
6) Where do you get your inspiration to write
about a foiled kidnapping to tip off the plot? I actually saw a news story about the FBI’s
CARD team (Child Abduction Rapid Deployment), and once I learned about that
group, I was completely inspired. I knew that my heroine had to be a part of
that team, and as I developed her character, I realized the reason she was so
passionate about helping victims…well, it was because she’d been an abduction
victim herself.
7) How many books have you written? Do you have
a favorite? At last
count, I’ve written over 90 books. I
don’t have a favorite though—when I write a book, *that* book I am writing is
my favorite. I am absolutely in love with it while I write. And then I finish that novel and start a new
one. The new book then becomes my favorite…it’s a cycle that never ends.
8) What book are you reading right now? I’m
reading JUSTICE ASCENDING by Rebecca Zanetti.
9) What are your current projects? I’m very excited about my “Killer Instinct”
series with HQN. The first book in that series, AFTER THE DARK, will be
launching next month—this is a very dark and sexy romantic suspense series.
10) What advice do you have for writers? Write the stories that appeal most to you.
Keep writing and keep reading and never, ever give up on your dreams.
Song Playlist: A prepared
playlist of songs that embodies the book’s characters and their love story.
ABDUCTION is a tale of reunited lovers…and
romantic suspense. So I didn’t have a
lot of gentle songs in mind when I wrote this book. I tended to enjoy songs
Unsteady by X Ambassadors
Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara
Heathens by Twenty-one Pilots
Every Breath You Take By Police
Movie Star Cast: The author picks movie stars to play
the characters in a movie.
In a movie, I’d love to see Amy Adams play the role of FBI Agent
Jillian West. I think Amy would be able to perfectly portray Jillian’s mix of
strength and vulnerability. As for the hero, I believe Channing Tatum would do
that job nicely. His southern charm would play perfectly for the ex Navy SEAL
hero in ABDUCTION.