Falling Under
Mara Foster grew up in a house divided. Her parents divorced. Mara lived with her mother till she couldn’t abide by the rules anymore and her mom sent her to live with her dad. Mara loves both her parents very much. It’s stressful when at sixteen years old you find yourself always cleaning up after your father; who spend more time in jail, because he was drunk then at work. So what do you do when all your mom does is yell at your dad, your father can’t take care of you and your best friend and you can’t relate anymore. You hook up with a thirty four year old struggling artist. When Mara first saw Caleb White’s art work, she was memorized. This was when Mara really understood what her passion was….becoming a famous artist. Now as an adult Mara is dealing with her fears and anxieties of if she will ever be loved. Plus will Mara ever achieve that lustrous career she’s always dreamed of?
I found Mara to have a sad life and to be somewhat neurotic. When Mara would have a breakdown she would hide herself away from the rest of the world till she was ready to face everything and everyone face on again. But at the same time I also believed this helped give Mara’s paintings more depth and meaning. Falling Under is Danielle Younge-Ullman first novel. Danielle Younge-Ullman definitely did not hold back. She came out swinging to produce a wonderful and amazing book in Falling Under. I can’t believe Falling Under is Danielle Younge-Ullman first book. It seems like she has been writing for years. I can’t wait to see what Danielle Younge-Ullman comes out with next as I imagine it will be just as good as Falling Under.
Website http://www.danielleyoungeullman.com/