Book Review: It's Just Business


You know the saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?
Well, the enemy of my ex is my rebound.

They're both rich and powerful and have a debt to settle in the wealthy circles of NYC.
Then there's me... the naive girl trying to make it in this city, pissed off and seemingly a willing pawn.

It was supposed to be one night to get over one man by getting under another.
Then one thing led to another, and it all spiraled out of control.
It was never supposed to go this far.

I was never supposed to fall for him.
And he was never supposed to risk it all for me.

My Review
This is a slow burn romance. After the first spicy scene between Raven and Dylan, I wanted more. The time between the next scene was too long in my opinion but it was worth the wait. Once, these two gave in and crossed the line from "professional" to "personal", it was game on. I would not have minded "getting under" Dylan!

I love that Raven was respected for her intelligence. She worked in an industry that is still somewhat considered to be a man's world. So, to see her achieve success on her own merit is great. 

Lauren is a new to me author but after reading this book, I will be checking out more books by her. 


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