Book Review: Curated True Crime #5: Neighborhood Nightmares


Amazon best-selling and Firebird True Crime award-winning author Jamie Malton, in collaboration with new author Aiden Galway, have created a new True Crime series of specially curated stories that each carry a common theme.In Volume #5: Neighborhood Nightmares you’ll read about victims whose only mistake was living near neighbors who had violent minds, deep secrets, and murderous intentions.

Read how detectives and forensic science identified, tracked down, and convicted these twisted offenders, most of whom you will have never heard about before.

Volume #5 includes . . .

• Hell On Horton Thirteen-year-old Kelly Ann Tinyes disappears after a mysterious phone call, setting off a heart-wrenching search that unveils deceit, betrayal, and a hidden relationship gone horribly wrong. Follow the trail of clues through a disheveled house of horrors, where groundbreaking DNA evidence leads to a shocking conviction, unmasking a predator lurking amidst the quiet streets.

• The Biddeford As snow blankets the town, secrets and grievances lead to fatal decisions, exposing deep flaws in a system that failed to prevent a preventable tragedy. What began as a trivial parking dispute between neighbors escalates into a harrowing tale of unchecked rage and a devastating double murder.

• A Quiet English This gripping tale unravels the torment endured by the Boorman family, whose dream of a peaceful life in a new home turns into a living nightmare due to the menacing behavior of their neighbor. Despite warnings and an injunction, the situation spirals out of control, leading to a brutal and public tragedy.

. . . plus 12 more shocking, true crime murder stories

A Word of Warning
The explicit details of these murders come directly from eyewitness accounts, interviews, police reports, court transcripts, crime scenes, and autopsy reports. They contain disturbing facts that may not be suitable for all readers.

My Review

I think we can all attest that we have had neighbors that we don't like and are glad when either you or they move. If this is not the case, you are very lucky. The neighbors we have now are not such a problem themselves, but their dog is outside all day and night and barks nonstop. It goes on for a while before they stop their dog. While this is very annoying, I would never let it escalate to the point of killing my neighbor. 

The stories in this collection feature disagreements that neighbors had with each other over small insignificant things. Nothing that should have caused people including sadly children to die. 

In several of the cases, I noticed that while the killer or killers were caught, the severity of how they were charged did not seem to match the crime. I felt sad for the victims' families that it did not seem like the victims truly got justice. Overall, though this is another quick read. 


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