Book Review: Between Desire and Denial


Dimitri Hardy and I were never really supposed to be friends.

He was a risky, over-the-top investor. I was trying to avoid the glamorous lifestyle my parents had raised me in.
He was fun and laid back. I was wound tight and dramatic.
He had his life put together. I did not.

So having Dimitri witness my breakup was a low moment. Especially since my boyfriend was also my professor, and after cheating on me, he decided to make me redo my master's thesis.

But Dimitri saw an opportunity. He offered to assist with my thesis. In exchange, I would help him gain the trust of the upscale town where I'd grown up-one he'd just heavily invested in.

His proposal:
Move back home and fake a relationship with him for the summer.
Show my town he's trustworthy.
Adore one another in public and pretend there's no desire brewing in private.
It seems like an easy plan.

But what Dimitri doesn't understand is that a few months in my hometown can ruin you . . . and one summer of denying my desire of his stolen touches and longing stares just might ruin me too.

My Review

Did I start and finish this book in one sitting? Yes, yes, I did. It is that amazing! Loved every moment of this book. Don't be a "loser" and miss out on this must read! 

Olive and Dimitri may be friends with sometimes benefits but if Dimitri has his way that will change really fast. He wants more than to be just friends or fake dating. He wants to be Olive's real boyfriend. 

The way that Olive challenges Dimitri just increased the angst between these two. She definitely liked to push all of Dimitri's buttons. She learned through that doing so comes with consequences. Dimitri is possessive of Olive. Just a little secret between us women, Olive, I would not be able to resist Dimitri either. 


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