Welcome to the book tour for Cardinals by Ian Conner! The author promises “a completely new twist on Stoker’s tale.” Read on for more info and enter to win a signed copy of the book!
Publication Date: May 2nd, 2022
Genre: Horror/ Vampires/ Sci-Fi Horror/ Fantasy
Publisher: Black Raptor Books
Nine Hundred years before Christ, God has cast his wife, Asherah, out of heaven and condemned her to roam the earth as the first vampire. Over the centuries, she created other vampires. There are also those that she left for dead but survived her attack without being completely turned into vampires. These survivors are called Cardinals. Scottish Countess Kellena Donnachaidh and Lady Suzette Allard, our protagonists, are among these cardinals. They are searching out Asherah for a final conflict.
Asherah has discovered a way back to heaven so she can exact her vengeance. Using the Amulet of Cassiel she can call the Flaming chariot of Israel to return to heaven and exact her revenge on God.
Now, 3000 years later, the Vatican and other groups are working to destroy Asherah and the vampires., fearing their own destruction if she ascends, simply want to stop Asherah using the Amulet of Cassiel to re-enter heaven. The race and intrigue to recover the Amulet is full of intrigue, betrayal.
A completely new twist on Stoker’s tale.
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My Review
The concept of this book is unique. If you like more of the traditional vampire stories and not the campy ones than you might want to check out this book. This is the vibe I was getting with this book that I did like. Also, there is touches of romance as well. Yet, it is not distracting to the story.
Asherah is someone that I felt for instantly. It is her redemption story that I was here for. While the rest of the characters were interesting as well. Personally, I struggled to form strong connections with the characters. Therefore, I did not become fully invested in the story. Despite, this factor, I thought this was still a good book overall and would try another book by Mr. Conner.
“How can I be of service, your Holiness?” she asked, kissing his ring.
“Take a seat, Clarissia. This is an informal interview. You will find me more action than pomp and circumstance.”
“I have taken notice of that, your Eminence.”
The two sat together at the same table. He poured her a glass of water and sat it just out of her reach.
“What do you see?” he asked, taking his seat.
“Possibilities, a glass half full,” She replied.
“Excellent,” He countered.
“You have followed small details of papal history.”
“Yes, your Holiness.”
“In the sixth century, my namesake also shook the church to its foundations with truth, right, and a willingness to change. Including embracing, in secret, several less than popular themes.”
“Uxor Deai, Etectus est, satietas sanguinis.”
“Exactly! Today’s church must deal with the reality of science and the things science refuses to accept.”
“The idea of God having a wife that he cast out as the first vampire is likely to get us both taken off in white jackets with funny sleeves.”
The Pontiff laughed.
“So, we do understand each other.”
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About the Author
Ian Conner is retired and spent most of his adult life as a Marine and Army Infantry Sergeant. Now living near San Diego California with his wife Bonnie, a cellist, and their two dogs, Cookie and Isabella. Conner spends his days fostering kittens, gardening, crafting beautiful stained glass and creating worlds on the page.
Conner has authored several other novels:
Cooper’s Ridge – Science Fiction
The Long Game – Political Thriller
The Price of Partisanship – Political Thriller
Solaris – Political Thriller
Griffins Perch – Epic Fantasy
Ghost Witch – Horror
After a lifetime of destruction the thought of creating something tangible and lasting holds great appeal. He finds writing a cathartic way to redefine himself both in his eyes and the eyes of others.
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