Book Tour Review: Reckless Hands


She was to be my wife.
I was to be her husband.
Fate had other plans.
She was falling for someone else while I was waiting for her.
When you come from one of the most ruthless families in the country, you’re used to getting what you want.
Part of me wanted her, the other…
Well, let’s just say, sometimes love can be reckless.

My Review
With each duet I fall in love with the newest couple but this time I really feel hard for Joey and Adora. I could not get enough of these two. All the women like the men are strong but Adora is next level. The way she would push Joey's buttons was very entertaining and hot. I devoured this book so fast and can't wait to read the conclusion. Additionally, I do have to give a shout out to Keir and Sailor, the original "OG" couple. It was nice to see them again as well make appearances in this book. To be honest, I did not really remember Joey or Adora from the prior books when they did make appearances, but I will never forget them now. Adora is so full of sass. My kind of woman. While Joey did not have to endure all of the sharp barbs that Adora threw his way; he was never crude about it. It just added to the chemistry between these two. Reckless Hands is a bowl of sinful ice cream that will have you devouring every page!


“A bookstore?” I question Keir, my brother.

He shakes his head and gets out of the car, and I follow. We both look inside—the lights are on and the name Pages of Sweets glares back at me.

“Sweets?” I shake my head. “Is that a subtle reference for porn?” I ask. Keir’s lip twitches, and he continues walking until we get to the door. “Remind me why we’re here?”

Again, he doesn’t reply, he simply opens the door. At the same time the bell rings above the door, our heads snap to the back of the store when we also hear a faint noise. My eyes scan the space which isn’t much bigger than a small living room, but there are books everywhere.

“What the hell is that?” We both walk farther in, the noise becoming louder with each step.

Is that a… moan?

Maybe this is a front for an actual porn shop.

Not only porn books.

Maybe role play?

Okay, now that’s a bookshop I want to be a part of—sign me up.

“Oh my God, do not stop.”

We both halt as we look up.


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