Westobou Gold with Hawk MacKinney + Giveaway
Book Description:
The Indian Queen would risk torture and worse to keep her secrets from these barbarians in suits of metal and their search for cities of gold. They never found the gold. Empires rose; empires fell, the centuries passed. Legend became fireside myths, but no treasure was ever found. Yet, among the grey-green drapes of wisteria and wild jasmine along the misty shrouded lowlands of bayous and marshes of the Westo River, the folktales persist.
In the lazed creep of a near-tropical dawn lit the pungent Turkish coffee permeates Moccasin Hollow. Beyond the kitchen door Lucky, Craige Ingram’s German shepherd gnaws a favorite bone. Looted burial mounds seem a world away until plundered mounds on Moccasin Hollow land brings amateur archaeologist PI Craige Ingram into the cross-hairs of kidnapping. Stealthy hideaways are concealed in old colonial brick-lined river grottoes beneath the big house of Ardochy plantation. Sex-tape underage blackmail and thrill killings on federal land spur a medical examiner’s preliminary postmortem to more than a hired cleaner’s quickie cover-up passed off as drug deals gone sour. Greed tangles a witch’s pigswill of illicit affairs and murder-to-hide-murder. Shady investigators and shadier politics stir an unexpected concoction that threatens the lives of those at Moccasin Hollow in a spiteful plot against ex-SEAL Craige Ingram and the woman he loves.
Author's Bio:
Internationally acclaimed author and public speaker, Hawk MacKinney began writing mysteries for his school newspapers. He served in the US Navy Reserve for over 20 years, and was a tenured faculty member at several state medical facilities, teaching postgraduate courses in both the United States and Jerusalem, Israel. Since retiring Hawk has authored several novels that have received national and international recognition. Moccasin Trace, a historical novel, was nominated for the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award. The Cairns of Sainctuarie, his science fiction series, includes The Bleikovat Event and The Missing Planets, with a third book in the works. Hawk’s latest project focuses on The Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series. Book 1 in the series, Hidden Chamber of Death, was released early 2016.
Connect with the author: Website
For the Sci-Fi The Cairns of Sainctuarie, the titles
delve into the quantum dimensions and demand an opposite approach to the
historical. I research historical details and read scientific papers and try to
keep up to date on particle physics discoveries in an effort to keep any new
facts accurate. It keeps me on my toes – ain’t it fun!
What made you write a book about
thriller-mysteries and Sci-Fi?
Do you snack while writing? No. Favorite snack? Potato
chips… haven’t had any in years.
What genre do you write and why?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
How did you do research for your
Moccasin Trace is the family background of PI Craige Ingram, the protagonist in
the Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series. I spend a great deal of time in the library
reference sections and examining original documents such as diaries and
letters. The Internet confirms "stuff", but I also search and verify information.
Craige Ingram has a lot of family history that is fleshed out in a "Southron
Dixie" setting. One must always check AND recheck sites, settings, and events…the
whole microcosm often only ghostly images from which to create a story. Some
smaller county libraries are jewels of the undiscovered.
Thrillers: Today’s headlines
- murder and mayhem, forensic reports and police records highlighting gruesome
twisted perversions. It’s scary and revealing…Monsters of the Id lurk in all of
us. That theme is threaded throughout Westobou
Gold in its twists-double-twists. It’s fiction…but all are based on
real-life events.
Sci-Fi: I enjoy delving into
the endless palette of SpaceTime and settings that can be made real with
elusive adjustments between limitless characters.
Do you have another profession besides
Two – (1) retired navy
officer, (2) retired post-doctoral faculty in universities in the US, Jerusalem
and England.
Mysteries-Thrillers series –The Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series (The
Hidden Chamber of Death, Westobou Gold)
Sci-fi series – The Cairns of Sainctuarie (The Bleikovat Event,
The Missing Planets)
Historical romances – Moccasin Trace
Genres are scrabbled words
for tweaks in a "gemisch" of setting and Spacetime…everyday folks
whether backcountry or alien worlds…dealing with the same dreams, conflicts,
failures, successes. The `because’ for the `why the genre-mix?’ My coalminer
grandma spent after-supper starry lightnin’ bug evenings learnin’ me to loose
my imagination-fancies…yarns I’ve yet to spin span galaxies as well as the
local barnyards and boudoirs.
Hawk MacKinney