Chatting with Mr. LePore and Mr. Davis

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James LePore is the author of five other novels, A World I Never Made, Blood of My Brother, Sons and Princes, Gods and Fathers, and The Fifth Man, as well as a collection of three short stories, Anyone Can Die. In addition to writing thrilling works of fiction, he is an attorney who has practiced law for more than two decades and an accomplished photographer. He lives in South Salem, NY with his wife, artist Karen Chandler. For more information, visit his website:
Carlos Davis writes and produces films, among them the Emmy nominated Rascals and Robbers with David Taylor and the cult favorite Drop Dead Fred with Tony Fingleton. He lives in New York City
No Dawn for Men: A Novel of Ian Fleming, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Nazi Germany. The novel is a collaboration between critically-acclaimed novelist James LePore and film writer and producer Carlos Davis.  

How did they come up with the inspiration for the book?

It was Carlos’ idea to put J.R.R. Tolkien and Ian Fleming together in 1938 Germany, to have them see and experience things that would inspire their subsequent writing.

What type of research did they do?

Too much to recount here. Suffice it to say that the historical facts, both macro and micro, had to be right.

Did they have any routine for who would write what parts?

Jim wrote, Carlos reviewed and made suggestions. He became an expert on the Ring Trilogy along the way.

If you were a spy, what would be your code name and what would you specialize in?

Aragon. Photo and satellite reconnaissance

Who are their top three favorite authors?

Jim: Earnest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, Elmore Leonard.
Carlos: Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Guy De Maupassant

If you could save 1 book from being destroyed what would it be and why?

No Dawn For Men. It has it all.

Do you have any more plans to write together again?

We have two sequels to No Dawn planned.

What are you working on currently?

The first sequel, Tolkien and Fleming in WW2 France. It’s called "God’s Formula."


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