Book Review: Always Orchid


He almost let her go. Her past could tear them apart. But a love like theirs is worth fighting for...

Phoenix Walker will never be the same. Nine months after a heroic act leaves him forever changed, he refuses to hurt Orchid Paige ever again.

Orchid is ready to forgive. Convincing her guy she still loves him, no matter his injuries, she works to rebuild their intimacy. But their move to her family's ancestral country unveils China's superstitions against people with disabilities. Worse, their friend's life has been upended by those prejudices.

Will Phoenix and Orchid find a way to beat the odds and turn discrimination into acceptance?

Always Orchid is the riveting third book in the Goodbye, Orchid contemporary fiction series, and can be read as a standalone. If you like relatable characters, surprising twists, and stories that pull on your emotions, then you'll love award-winning author Carol Van Den Hende's journey to unconditional acceptance.

My Review

I have been with Phoenix and Orchid since the very beginning on their journey. They have endured so much heartache. Yet, they both have shown great resilience and their love for one another has only grown stronger.  

"What did one man's action have to do with the care of the other?"

I am so invested in Phoenix and Orchid' story that my heart just ached so much that it felt like there was a vice grip on it the whole time. When the highs were high, I rejoiced and then they were low, I was sad. 

If you have not read any of these books by Carol, you need to as all of the book awards are very much earned. Carol takes me on beautiful journeys with each book. Carol is my "always" recommended read author!


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