Shadowed Soul

Thomas Milton is bi-polar. He and his wife, Beth along with her seeing eye dog, Bailey are about to have an addition to their family with a newborn baby.

Thomas’s world unravels when Beth and the baby temporary move in with her parents leaving Thomas and Bailey to cope on their own. Thomas gets into porn. Also he is visited by his “shadowed soul” who is nothing but trouble.

I found this book to be a very well written and thought out book. It definitely is thought provoking in a good way. Mr. Spagnoli did a nice job writing Thomas. I felt a connection with him that I almost did not care about his obsession with porn. I am not talking just “soft” but “hard-core” bondage type. Because of the graphic details as described about the pictures I did feel an uncomfortable about Thomas being into this type of obsession. However I could understand why Thomas was into this type of thing.

I loved, loved Bailey. Of course I love all dogs that are featured in books. I have a soft spot for them. The “Shadowed Soul” that Thomas had with him was not very nice. I can not imagine what people who have bi-polar personalities have to deal with in the normal world. After reading this book I do have a better understanding of this disorder. I applaud people like Mr. Spagnoli who does not let this disorder hinder them from achieving great things like writing a book.


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