This would be something that someone might like if they like light, chick lit type books mixed with some magic.

Paula Wittmore left Haven Woods when she was a teenager. She did not look back. She has now returned. If it was not for the failing health of her mother, she probably would not set foot in Haven Woods. Paula is bringing her daughter, Rowan with her.

The book cover is menacing and draws you in. This is what I noticed first about this book, than I read the summary for this book and I thought it sounded intriguing. Sadly, I was not feeling this book. It did not put a spell over me. I did give this book the good, ole, college try but I only got about a third of the way into this book and than gave up. I did flash forward to the last few chapters of the ending of this book and I have to say that I did not miss much.

I was just not feeling the characters and found the story moved to slowly for me. I was expecting the meat for the story regarding the deep, dark, secrets to be revealed right away and this did not happen. I wanted it to be more on the paranormal side. This would be something that someone might like if they like light, chick lit type books mixed with some magic.


Harvee said…
I often am in the mood for reading YA anc chic lit, just to keep up with what the young uns are reading. I have this on my shelves and am eager to see how I'll like it.
Carol said…
Darnnit. I'm about a third of the way through this one and it hasn't grabbed me either. I was hoping you'd say it would get better. I'll try to keep going a little while longer at least.

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