Run for your Life

A sadistic killer is on the loose in New York City. He calls himself the “Teacher”. He is going around punishing everyone from the girl talking on her phone to the top elite of New York. The teacher reminds everyone to remember your manner or suffer the consequences.
Detective Michael Bennett a trained hostage negotiator is promoted to the lead investigator on this case. He is instructed to solve these murders quickly. Detective Bennett’s training kicks in and he is off in full force. At first it seems there is no connection to the shooting victims and that they were random shootings. But after some further digging and receiving communication by the teacher himself, Bennett uncovers the teacher’s motive behind the killings. Bennett will have to make a choice, which is more important…, his family or his career.
I have resigned myself that I will only listen to Mr. Patterson’s books. I have tried reading them and found they put me to sleep right away. With audio books, I am able to experience the story the way it is suppose to be experienced. Having said that, I was excited to listen to this latest book, Run for your Life. It is the type of books I love to read. I have to say I was somewhat disappointed. If it wasn’t for the talented voices overs of reading duel Bobby Cannavale and Dallas Roberts, I probably would have stopped listening a long time ago instead of finishing the book. They brought Detective Bennett and the Teacher to life. The teacher seemed so much more sinister when there was a voice attached to him.
Purchase the book here