Do you like Girls in Trucks?

Charleston and its traditions are maintained by the Camellia Society. Sarah may be raised to act like a debutante but she is the farthest from acting like an actual debutante. Many years have passed and Sarah is now ready to head off to college. She leaves Charleston for New York “The Big Apple”. It is once Sarah is there that she receives the culture shock of her life. The girls dress in pants and the boys make advances toward the women. Sarah adjusts to her life fairly quickly. She even falls for an older man. Unfortunately things don’t work out and Sarah is left picking up the broken pieces of her heart and running as fast as she can back home.
Girls in Trucks is the debut novel from author, Katie Crouch. This book can be considered a good coming of age story. What I enjoyed the most was Sarah. This surprised me as I didn’t think I would; reading that Sarah was a debutante. The reason I liked her so much is because Sarah did not act like one but instead was just a normal girl trying to get by in the world. Plus another aspect I liked about Sarah was when she got introduced to the outside world away from Charleston. She did not act appalled. She embraced the situation with both feet.