Murder on the Down Low

L.A. attorney, Vernetta Henderson is back for an all new case in this drama filled legal thriller titled Murder on the Down Low. Someone is killing successful business and family men. The police are clueless as to who has it out for these men. Vernetta and her partner, Special are helping to seek justice against a lawyer whose secret life has caused the murder of his girlfriend. What Vernetta and Special come to discover is that their case is connected to the murders.
Pamela Samuels Young likes to entertain her readers as well as educate them on important topics. Though I can’t say Ms. Young kept me entertained the whole though the book, I can say that she definitely educated me on the subject matter of men maintaining another life on the down low. Why for me I wasn’t interested in the story as I would have liked, is because I didn’t connect with the main characters and feel like I could really join in their world. If I can’t connect with the characters, then for me no matter how good a storyline a book has, I can lose interest really fast in the book. I do finish books that I have started but when this scenario happens, I kind of muddle along reading the rest of the book. I do have to say though that despite this fact with the characters, Murder on the Down Low was a pretty good book.
Pamela Samuels Young likes to entertain her readers as well as educate them on important topics. Though I can’t say Ms. Young kept me entertained the whole though the book, I can say that she definitely educated me on the subject matter of men maintaining another life on the down low. Why for me I wasn’t interested in the story as I would have liked, is because I didn’t connect with the main characters and feel like I could really join in their world. If I can’t connect with the characters, then for me no matter how good a storyline a book has, I can lose interest really fast in the book. I do finish books that I have started but when this scenario happens, I kind of muddle along reading the rest of the book. I do have to say though that despite this fact with the characters, Murder on the Down Low was a pretty good book.
Check out Pamela's website at
I want to thank Tracee for letting me host.