As promised. Here is my interview with author, Maria Murnane.
I want to thank you for letting me interview you.
Oh gosh, it’s my pleasure. Really!
How do you like to start off your morning?
Every weekday morning I do the same thing—drag myself out of bed, make a pot of coffee, and sit down and read the New York Times for an hour. I love that time of day—and every morning I look out the window at the sea of cars driving into downtown San Francisco and remind myself how lucky I am that I don’t have to commute in traffic to a job I hate! Then after I’m done with the paper I walk about 20 feet into my office, check my email, and start my day. JWhat was your favorite book growing up?
As a kid I read every Beverly Cleary book I could get my hands on, and when I got a little older I also tore through the Judy Blume books. (“Deenie” was one of my favorites.) I also read a bunch of the Black Stallion books, and I remember being obsessed with “A Wrinkle in Time,” in fourth grade, although for the life of me I can’t remember anything about the plot.
When you want peace and quiet, where do you go: example take a bath, read, bedroom, vacation, etc?
Hmm, great question. Sometimes I like to play classical music and sit on my bed and write cards or letters to friends I haven’t seen in a long time. I also like to take a nice yoga class to mellow me out—I love my yoga studio because they play really relaxing music, and they teachers are just so full of positive energy. I could have the WORST day in the world, but after a yoga class I always feel better. It empties out your head for a little bit, which can be a good thing if your head is full of stressful thoughts!

I read you lived in Argentina for a year. What was it like living there? What was your favorite thing to do there?
I had an incredible year in Argentina, despite the humidity, which drove me nuts. I loved playing soccer there and traveling around other countries in South America, but I think my ultimate favorite thing was developing real friendships with people in another language. I even had a pretty serious boyfriend for a few months down there, and we only spoke in Spanish. It was really an amazing thing to communicate entirely in a language I had originally learned from a textbook—and I guess it proved that I hadn’t forgotten everything I’d studied in high school and college!
I loved the Honey notes that were at the beginning of each chapter in the book. Who came up with the sayings, besides Waverly?
I’m not sure I understand this question…? I made them all up on my own, so I guess the answer would be me, myself and I!
Waverly had come up with a plan to fake food poisoning, so she could get out of a bad date. Have you ever done anything like this before or known anyone who has? What is the craziest excuse you have heard?
Wow, love this question. I’ve never faked food poisoning to get out of a date and can’t think of anyone I know who has, BUT my friend Stu just told me last night about a friend of his who recently took a woman out to dinner, and the woman actually ordered her food TO GO and told the guy something had come up so she had to take off. Then she did. Can you believe that?
Waverly liked to cure a hangover with scrambled eggs and cheese. What do you recommend for a remedy?
Uh, that would be scrambled eggs and cheese. Did I mention Waverly and I have a lot in common?
What can readers look forward to from your next book?
A lot of people have asked me if I’m going to write a sequel—everyone seems to want to know what happens to Waverly! I would LOVE to write another book, so we’ll see. But first I have to get this one picked up by a publisher. So if your readers are interested in a sequel, please tell them to help spread the word about “Perfect on Paper” by writing reviews on Amazon, posting comments on my site (, becoming a fan of the book on Facebook, and telling their friends about it! I would be very grateful—and so would my very good friend Ms. Bryson
I want to thank Tracee for letting me host.
I want to thank you for letting me interview you.
Oh gosh, it’s my pleasure. Really!
How do you like to start off your morning?
Every weekday morning I do the same thing—drag myself out of bed, make a pot of coffee, and sit down and read the New York Times for an hour. I love that time of day—and every morning I look out the window at the sea of cars driving into downtown San Francisco and remind myself how lucky I am that I don’t have to commute in traffic to a job I hate! Then after I’m done with the paper I walk about 20 feet into my office, check my email, and start my day. JWhat was your favorite book growing up?
As a kid I read every Beverly Cleary book I could get my hands on, and when I got a little older I also tore through the Judy Blume books. (“Deenie” was one of my favorites.) I also read a bunch of the Black Stallion books, and I remember being obsessed with “A Wrinkle in Time,” in fourth grade, although for the life of me I can’t remember anything about the plot.
When you want peace and quiet, where do you go: example take a bath, read, bedroom, vacation, etc?
Hmm, great question. Sometimes I like to play classical music and sit on my bed and write cards or letters to friends I haven’t seen in a long time. I also like to take a nice yoga class to mellow me out—I love my yoga studio because they play really relaxing music, and they teachers are just so full of positive energy. I could have the WORST day in the world, but after a yoga class I always feel better. It empties out your head for a little bit, which can be a good thing if your head is full of stressful thoughts!

I read you lived in Argentina for a year. What was it like living there? What was your favorite thing to do there?
I had an incredible year in Argentina, despite the humidity, which drove me nuts. I loved playing soccer there and traveling around other countries in South America, but I think my ultimate favorite thing was developing real friendships with people in another language. I even had a pretty serious boyfriend for a few months down there, and we only spoke in Spanish. It was really an amazing thing to communicate entirely in a language I had originally learned from a textbook—and I guess it proved that I hadn’t forgotten everything I’d studied in high school and college!
I loved the Honey notes that were at the beginning of each chapter in the book. Who came up with the sayings, besides Waverly?
I’m not sure I understand this question…? I made them all up on my own, so I guess the answer would be me, myself and I!
Waverly had come up with a plan to fake food poisoning, so she could get out of a bad date. Have you ever done anything like this before or known anyone who has? What is the craziest excuse you have heard?
Wow, love this question. I’ve never faked food poisoning to get out of a date and can’t think of anyone I know who has, BUT my friend Stu just told me last night about a friend of his who recently took a woman out to dinner, and the woman actually ordered her food TO GO and told the guy something had come up so she had to take off. Then she did. Can you believe that?
Waverly liked to cure a hangover with scrambled eggs and cheese. What do you recommend for a remedy?
Uh, that would be scrambled eggs and cheese. Did I mention Waverly and I have a lot in common?
What can readers look forward to from your next book?
A lot of people have asked me if I’m going to write a sequel—everyone seems to want to know what happens to Waverly! I would LOVE to write another book, so we’ll see. But first I have to get this one picked up by a publisher. So if your readers are interested in a sequel, please tell them to help spread the word about “Perfect on Paper” by writing reviews on Amazon, posting comments on my site (, becoming a fan of the book on Facebook, and telling their friends about it! I would be very grateful—and so would my very good friend Ms. Bryson
I want to thank Tracee for letting me host.

The Honey notes were fun.