Noble Magic

In the final installment of the critically acclaimed series, The Chronicles of Eledon, Lady Alexin battles a band of mortal wizards known as the Octagon, discovers the mysteries of some legendary diamond eggs and finally comes into her true powers gifted to her by her conquests and the gifts of her Titan ancestors. Tasked with the seemingly impossible as the Keeper of Eledon’s Keys, she must find a way to restore the entry points to Seaward Isle or see its inhabitants face certain destruction as the whole of Eledon’s energy grid threatens to fall apart.

My Review

This is the last book in this series. I have read every book but the first. Now, that I have finished this book, I plan to go back and read the first one to see how it all started. Yet, if it is any sign, I was able to jump right into this series. I loved Joni's writing style as well as the characters, the storyline and all of the different places that each book took me.

Alex is a great main lead. I like that she was not a girly girl. She is like a tomboy. Yet, she is smart, fearless, friendly, and has commanded the respect of all. Although, it still amazed me when new people would meet Alex and they would doubt her ability to be the "keeper". I understand it is partly due to the fact that she is young and not full elf but she has proven herself a worthy leader time and time again.

Yet, I think Alex's biggest battle was fought in this final book with the wizards. As Alex fought each one, she became stronger and stronger. The ending left me hanging wishing that this series was not over. If you are a fan of fantasy, strong characters and a great storyline, than, you have to check out this series.

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Joni Parker said…
Thanks for reviewing my book! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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