Courting a Cowboy

Review by Nancy It all began with the letters. Sophie Vandercook had been writing back and forth with her half brother, James for several years. Sophie had a plan and nothing could stand in her way. A Hurricane didn’t have a chance against Sophie when she had made up her mind. Nothing would do but she finally travel from her St. Louis home to visit James on the ranch he worked on in Wyoming. When she gets there, the hands are all acting a bit – odd. There is a long story behind Sophie’s letters and no one wants to be the one to let it out. The ramrod of the outfit, Nate Abbott, a grump of the first order won’t give Sophie the time of day, much less a smile. She doesn’t think much of Nate, either. Staying with the ranch owner and his daughter, Edith is an awakening for the all-girls school teacher from Mrs. Forestall’s Academy. Women in Wyoming, just like everywhere else, are treated nicely but not like Sophie has in mind. She wants a marriage of convenience. He in Wyoming ...