Check out the Watcher with AJ Eversley + Giveaway

Book Details:

Book Title: Watcher - Book One in the Watcher Series by AJ Eversley
Category: YA Fiction, 300 pages
Genre: Scifi Dystopian
Publisher: Self-published
Release date: March, 2017
Tour dates: Sept 4 to 29, 2017
Content Rating: PG (No swearing or explicit sex scenes...there are kissing or romantic scenes that are considered PG. The word Hell or Damn is used only a few times.)

Book Description:

"I knew I was not alone. They would never leave until every last one of us was gone." Sawyer Russo has sworn to protect humanity, and as a Watcher she’s done just that. But the Bots and Carbons that took her city are evolving, and they start picking the Watchers off one by one. One last rescue mission will change everything. When someone betrays them, the line between friend and foe is no longer easily drawn. Sawyer made a vow, and she will fulfill it, even if it means ending the person who deceived them, no matter who it might be. It all comes down to one choice... Who can she save? And who does she have to let go?


I have read a lot of dystopian young adult books. What is most important about these types of books is the world that the story is built around and the characters. Check and check to both elements as this book had it and more. Sawyer is a strong female lead. You can't go wrong with strong female leads. Yet, she would not be where she is if it was not for the rest of the team: Adam, Kyle, Smith, and Sam to name a few. Each one was not only just as equally strong but they all had different qualities to helped the team. Than, you had the wild card, Kenzie. He shook things up a bit with the hint of flirting with Sawyer. However, the flirting was just the right amount. Not too much to take away from the overall story.

Speaking of the story. What is a story without an bad guy. Coleman is the evil leader behind the Bots and Carbons. Even I did not see it coming by some of the secrets he revealed. The ending left me with a big desire to check out the next book and see how it all ends. Anyone who is a fan of dystopian, young adult books needs to grab a copy today. This is a recommended read.

To read more reviews, please visit AJ Eversley's page on iRead Book Tours.

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Meet the Author:

AJ Eversley is the author of the WATCHER series. A true north Canadian girl, AJ currently lives in Central Alberta with her husband and dog. When she’s not writing, she can be found binge watching Harry Potter, quoting various movies in every day conversation, and eating copious amounts of candy.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram

What genre do you write and why? My genre is Young Adult Scifi/Dystopian. It’s what I write simply because it’s what I read! I love writing about characters at a transitional point in there life. The young adult age range gives a lot of room for growth and development, while still keeping it fun and real. Scifi and Dystopian stories allow the author to be creative. We have no idea where the world will be in 100, 500, 1000 years from now, and this genre allows me to create that however I see (sometimes dark and destroyed, other times united and thriving).

Who was your favourite character to write in the Watcher Series? Seeing as the story is told though Sawyers point of view, it’d seem obvious to pick her…but my actual favourite in the entire series is Sam! It may be because I connect with him and his hilarious babbling on a deeper level than I’d care to admit, but in reality it’s nice to write someone a bit lighter than the dark tone that follows Sawyer.

What is the last great book you’ve read? I am currently reading the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. It’s another YA Scifi Series that builds an amazing world filled with characters I both love and hate (in a good way). This story mixes the privileged vs the ordinary along with powers/abilities in a super intriguing way.

Where do you write? I wrote almost the entire manuscript of Watcher in a college bar/grill where I work. I know, not your normal writing place, but let me set the scene for you. A cozy oversized chair, snug up to an oversized fireplace, copious amounts of tea at my disposal and “epic film scores” playlist playing through my headphones. Great place to write!  I have since graduated to real coffee shops and Starbucks all over the city…but that little bar/grill is still a go to when I need time to relax and write.

In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper? I actually write all my books on paper for my first drafts! I found when I tried writing on a computer for the first draft that I spent too much time fixating on those little squiggly lines telling me something was wrong.  It’s much easier to just get the words on paper then type it out after!

What advice would you give budding writers? Believe in your self. Always remember that you are the only one who can write your story! No one else has your ideas, your voice, your characters.  There will be times when you wonder why you ever got into writing, what were you thinking, but always remember that there is only one you and only you know your story. Don’t let others influence your confidence, be proud of what you’re doing and what you’ve done.


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Ends Oct 7

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Mel said…
I would love to read the Watcher this Fall.

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