Love in a Broken Vessel

Hosea is in his house thinking about his next topic for his prophets’ class when the wind blows. Hosea hears a voice in the wind whisper to him that says “Marry a prostitute.” The voice is God. God again tells Hosea “The people of Israel have acted like prostitutes and abandoned Yahweh (God).” Hosea sets out to find his wife.

Gomer works for a brothel. She has since she was a young girl. As you can imagine with time this has made Gomer’s trust in men nonexistent. The only thing that helps some when Gomer is chosen to become Hosea’s wife is that she knew him when they were young children.

I am not familiar with Hosea and Gomer’s story. However I have read several other books from this author and enjoyed them. Hosea and Gomer’s story is not one to be taken lightly.

I found Hosea to have a really strong faith in God. In addition, he is patient and kind. While I could understand Gomer’s icy attitude towards Hosea, I still found it a little off putting in the beginning. Thus I did not warm up to her as quickly as I did Hosea. However as time passed, I grew to like Gomer. She had a good fighter spirit about her. She and Hosea made a good couple. Mesu did a good job of telling Hosea and Gomer’s story. She made them come alive in this book.

“Available March 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”


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