Kill You Twice is a one seat read and just might keep you up at night clutching a knife in one hand while you read this book in the other!

There is a serial killer on the loose. The killer is leaving a trail of chopped up bodies. Detective Archie Sheridan is on the case. He is joined by his partner, Henry and reporter, Susan, who Archie saved in The Night Season.

Archie receives a phone call from Gretchen's doctor. Gretchen is a patient in the Oregon State Mental Hospital. Her doctor says that Gretchen states she has a daughter and Archie needs to save her. At first Archie believes this is another of Gretchen's tricks but he can not resist checking into it.

Kill You Twice is book five of Gretchen Lowell books. So glad to see Gretchen again. Just like Archie, she has cast a spell over me and I can not get enough of her. I like that she was featured more in this book than the last one. She has a presence that captivates your attention. The way she described her first kill with no emotions was creepy. I really liked that in this book, I got to know more about who the "real" Gretchen is and what started her on her killed spree. The best scenes were the ones involving Gretchen and Archie. They have this great chemistry in a sick and twisted way. While, Gretchen still has power over Archie; he was getting stronger and finally starting to have a life again. It was also good to see Henry and his relationship with Clarie blossoming.

Susan has grown on me. I like her spunk. I don't know where her relationship with Leo will go but I hope that they can work things out. I think Leo is a good guy, even with his secrets. I would like to get to know more about him as well. The ending made me happy because I know the next book will be really good. The only down fall with this book was that now I have to wait for the next one. Kill You Twice is a one seat read and just might keep you up at night clutching a knife in one hand while you read this book in the other!


Marce said…
Ok you have sealed the deal I need to continue this series like yesterday, on the June list for sure, I don't want to get to far behind. This one sounds fantastic.
Cheryl said…
Marce- This series is great. Hope you find time to catch up. They are creating a tv series on these books to appear on FX.

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