Another Bad Dog book

Another Bad Dog book is one of the funniest books I have read. I kept laughing and enjoying myself that several times I had to remind myself that this was a memoir, non-fiction book. Not that this is a bad thing but usually I am very selective on these types of books that I read. Usually, for some reason I find reading about other people’s lives to be boring or really it is just the way it is presented in the book. It reads more like a text book. I found this was not the case with Another Bad Dog book.

Joni tackles everything from sharing about her amazing superhero powers of saving E-Pie Pie from the evil clutches of the dog pound and how she hide the dog in the hall closet in the middle of the night, only to have her husband some down the stairs and look at Joni like she was an escaped mental patient.

Or another good story was when Joni went to visit her father in the rest home and she asked the respiratory therapist if she could have the breathing treatment too. It just involves breathing oxygen through a mask. I liked reading this one, because I got to know a little more about Joni and her father.

Of course there are many more great stories in this book but I don’t want to share them all. The stories are short. Don’t let the title of this book fool you as this book is not bad. If this is what Joni calls bad than give this dog another treat.


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