The Real Prince Charming

Are you single or just newly single? Well you don’t have to worry. Fairy tales do come true and one day you will find your Prince Charming. Author, Michelle Raftery shares with women God’s plan for finding The Real Prince Charming . All you have to do is have patience and listen. Of course Mrs. Raftery breaks things down in this easy to read step by step guide. She really makes you think about what you are looking for in a man versus are you just settling for the next best thing? She shares some tips. Each chapter is broken out like …Mr. Right, or Mr. Right Now? The Lady in Black and The Secrets of a Princess. I like that Michelle never criticized anyone but just offered helpful and insightful tips on having a long, happy, everlasting relationship. So if you are looking for Mr. Right then you should check out The Real Prince Charming. You just might be surprised to realize he does exist.