I got the following email from Mr. Crouch and wanted to share
The second book in the Wayward Pines Series is being published today. It's called Wayward and can be ordered for Kindle, audio, and as a TRADE PAPERBACK.
Early reviews have been stellar, and if you plan on buying the book, I would humbly ask that you purchase today. My publisher, Thomas & Mercer, is pulling out all the stops to launch this book into the stratosphere, and early sales out of the gate will help a great deal.
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Here's the description:
Welcome to Wayward Pines, population 461. Nestled amidst picture-perfect mountains, the idyllic town is a modern-day Eden...except for the electrified fence and razor wire, snipers scoping everything 24/7, and the relentless surveillance tracking each word and gesture.
None of the residents know how they got here. They are told where to work, how to live, and who to marry. Some believe they are dead. Others think they’re trapped in an unfathomable experiment. Everyone secretly dreams of leaving, but those who dare face a terrifying surprise.
Ethan Burke has seen the world beyond. He’s sheriff, and one of the few who knows the truth—Wayward Pines isn’t just a town. And what lies on the other side of the fence is a nightmare beyond anyone’s imagining.
In super-exciting and related news, we just finished shooting the pilot episode of Wayward Pines, the 10-episode FOX event series based on the books.
Yes, some questions from the audience…
There’s a television show coming?!  When is it set to release?
Last I heard, next summer, right after the 24 reboot, but I’ll let you know if that changes.
Who’s starring in it?
The cast is ridiculously amazing.  Matt Dillon plays Ethan Burke.  Melissa Leo = Nurse Pam.  Carla Gugino = Kate Hewson.  Terrence Howard = Sheriff Pope.  Toby Jones = David Pilcher.  Juliette Lewis = Beverly.  And M. Night Shyamalan just finished directing the first episode.
Are you involved in the show?
I’m writing and producing, working on the very last episode now.
Is it faithful to the books?
Extremely.  I CANNOT wait for people to see this show.
In the meantime, I hope you’ll check out Wayward, and get ready for the third book in the series, The Last Town, coming in 2014!
Blake Crouch


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