Escape from Eden

Mia, her mother, and little brother did not always live in Edenton. There was a time when Mia can remember life before Eden when her father was alive. Now Mia and her family live in Eden. They are not alone. Eden is a compound for cult followers. In Eden, Reverend Elias is in charge.

Mia has dreamed of leaving Eden. She finds that her dream might become a reality when she meets the new boy, Gabriel. Together they learn things about the Reverend. The biggest surprise is that there really is life outside of Eden. Now Mia and Gabriel are more determined to escape.

This book turned out to be way better than I thought it would be. I love when this happens. Mia is a good character. The younger readers will relate to her. I was fascinated by the world of Eden. It is amazing how easy people can just give up their lives and let someone else tell them how to act, feel, who to love, etc. There was some violence in this book but it was mild and age appropriate for the reader audience that this book is geared towards. Not to say that the adult older readers will not enjoy this book. My only real issue with this book would be the ending. I felt it was a little weak and rushed. Still a book worth checking out.


Anonymous said…
I love it when a book exceeds my expectations. Thanks for the great review.
-Dilettantish Reader

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