Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking: A Memoir of Food and Longing

I picked up this book with the intent that I would not only learn about a person's life but also about Soviet cooking. I have become even more fascinated by all the different cultures and the foods. I have enjoyed most of the books that I have. Telling a story through food is great.

While I can say that I appreciate Anya sharing her story about ehr family, childhood and the food she grew up with, I was disappointed in this book. Only because after reading several others, you could say that my expectations were way high. The first issue I had with the book was the placement or layout of the recipes featured in this book. I would have liked to have seen them spread out through out the chapters than put in the back of the book. I have found by doing this it helps me to really envision the food as the narrator is explaning the food. Second issue is that there are only 10 recipes in this book. One for each chapter of the book. Not to say that I expect this book to have tons of recipes like a cook book but when I am picking up a book about food, I expect it to have a bunch of recipes.


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