Welcome to Jeremy Robinson’s Great Kindle Giveaway and Blog Tour!

Welcome to Jeremy Robinson’s Great Kindle Giveaway and Blog Tour.

“Hurray for free Kindles!” you say, but who the hell is Jeremy Robinson? Allow me to introduce myself. I’m the author of eleven mixed genre novels, published in ten languages, including the popular fantasy YA series, THE LAST HUNTER, and the fast-paced Jack Sigler series (also known as Chess Team—not nearly as nerdy as it sounds), PULSE, INSTINCT and THRESHOLD from Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press. I’m the co-author of an expanding series of novellas deemed the Chesspocalypse, which take place in the Chess Team universe. If that doesn’t wet your whistle, I’m also known as Jeremy Bishop, the #1 Amazon.com horror author of THE SENTINEL and the controversial novel, TORMENT. For more about me, or my books, visit http://www.jeremyrobinsononline.com/.

I have watched for years as my fellow authors held online events called blog tours. Some would visit ten blogs. Others, as many as ninety. And every day they would bring something different, waxing eloquent about a multitude of topics. When I finally decided to have a blog tour of my own, and settled on doing each and every weekday in October, my first thought was, “This will be cool,” which was immediately followed up by, “Holy crap, I can’t think of something interesting to say twenty times in one month!” I can barely think of something worthwhile for my own blog just once a month. The solution is what follows; each blog participating in the tour could ask me ANY three questions. That means, if the subject matter bores you, I’m not to blame! Huzzah!

But fear not. There are other rewards for sloughing through the questions and answers. I’ll be giving away two Kindles to two randomly selected readers who sign up for my newsletter. Details on the giveaway can be found below. On to the Q&A!

1. You seem to write a lot about end of days scenarios. Is this something you believe in or just a great book topic?

A little of both. I’m a believer, but I couldn’t tell you how I think, or how the Bible says, things will actually play out. In terms of “end of days” fiction I’m about as far as you can get from LEFT BEHIND or books like that. My depictions of the end of the world aren’t based on the Biblical version laid out in Revelations. Really, I just like destroying the planet and killing everyone —okay, almost everyone. And that scenario will always bring about mentions of the Biblical apocalypse, whether or not that’s what the story is really about. ANTARKTOS RISING and TORMENT both give mention to the Bible in their very different end of the world scenarios, but a good Bible scholar would (and some have) see that very little lines up. For me, despite my personal beliefs, Armageddon is just good entertainment.

2. What do you do to get ready to write and where do you go to write?

I write every day, in my office, which is full of things (books, toys, paintings, movies, games, etc) that inspire me. I tend to play a video game, which clears my mind of distractions, before writing. During writing, I listen to a soundtrack. In fact, I pick a specific soundtrack for each novel and listen to it, and only it, as I write. For example, THE LAST HUNTER series has been (and will be) written while listening to The Book of Eli soundtrack. It has the same creepy, surreal feel that I’m trying to create in the book, and when I put on that soundtrack I’m instantly transported back into that imaginary world. And to anyone reading that series, I highly recommend listening to that soundtrack while you read!

3. Do you feel that the book industry will survive without loss of paper books?

The book industry as a whole will survive. There will always be authors. And readers. But I wouldn’t dare try to predict what that will look like. I assume there will always be publishers because most authors aren’t also entrepreneurs or have the knowledge to design a book cover, format and e-book or market their titles. But there is a growing population (including me) that can do all those things, and successfully. The author/publisher is a new publishing model that’s working great for those that treat it as a business and set their standards high. I think we’ll see a number of new authors rise to prominence this way, and I also think we’ll see some big name authors jump ship from big publishing and go it alone. Publishing is going to take a hit. They already are. But the savvy publishers that adapt to the e-book market first will pull through. Those that don’t are doomed to the fate of the dinosaurs.

Hope that was as good for you as it was for me. Now how about that kindle giveaway?

Here’s the deal: to be entered to win one of two free kindles all you have to do is visit my website—and sign up for the newsletter. That’s it. The first kindle will go to a randomly chosen newsletter signup on October 31. For the second kindle, there’s a catch. The second giveaway will only be triggered if one of my kindle books hits the Amazon.com bestseller list (top 100). So pick up some books (most are just $2.99 a pop) and spread the word! If one of the books squeaks up to #100 for just a single hour, the second kindle will be given away to another randomly chosen newsletter sign up on October 31.

*When you sign up for the newsletter, be sure to include the name of the blog that referred you in the field provided. I’ll be giving away two $50 Amazon.com gift certificates to the blog that refers the most sign-ups and another to the blog who referred the first kindle winner.

** I will announce winners via Twitter, Facebook, my blog, and newsletter (which you will be signed up for!) but I’ll also e-mail the winners directly—I’ll need to know where to ship those kindles!

Thanks for spending some time with me today. Hope you enjoyed the Q&A, and good luck with the kindle giveaway!

-- Jeremy Robinson


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