A meet and greet with author, Linda Weaver Clarke and Giveaway

I want to thank you for this opportunity to interview you.
Can you please share with readers a little bit about yourself?
I was raised on a farm surrounded by the rolling hills of southern Idaho and made my home in southern Utah among the beautiful red mountains and desert heat. I am happily married and the mother of six daughters and have five grandchildren. I also travel throughout the United States, teaching a “Family Legacy Workshop,” encouraging people to write their family history and autobiography.
What type of hobbies do you have?
I love traveling and camping with my family.
Do you have a routine for writing? If so, how important is it to a writer to have one?
I always begin writing or book promoting in the mornings when I’m fresh and have enough energy to think. I believe that a routine helps me to keep focused and that way I can get a lot more accomplished in a day. If I didn’t have a routine, I may not end up writing that day because of other things getting in the way.
If there is one author you could meet dead or alive who would it be and why?
Ron Carter, the author of the series: Prelude to Glory. This series is all about how we fought for our freedom in America beginning from 1875 until 1812. This series helped me to appreciate our Four Fathers and the patriots of America who lost their lives for freedom. I would like to talk to him about his research and how it made him feel.
You have a historical romance series out, A Family Saga that is very popular. What made you decide to start writing mystery novels?

I wanted to try something different and to expand my writing skills. I thought it would be fun to develop a series surrounding the mysteries of the American Indians and archaeological theft.
What has the transformation been like from writing historical romances to mystery?
The writing process between romance and mystery is quite a change with a completely different mind set. It’s so different from telling a love story. With romance, you plan out the plot around the meeting of a couple. As you write, you develop some sort of charisma between the characters, making the reader feel excited that one day they're going to hit it off and fall in love. You, as the reader, know what the outcome will be. But with a mystery, the reader is in the dark. The author has to come up with a plot that no one knows about until towards the end of the story and hope they haven’t figured it out. In a mystery, you may or may not allow your reader to know who the bad guys are, according to whether it’s just a mystery or mystery suspense. Do you know the difference between a mystery and a mystery suspense novel? In a mystery, when a knock is heard at the door, the reader doesn't know who's behind it. With mystery suspense, the reader knows who's behind the door and yells to the heroine, "Don't open the door!"
What is the concept for your new mystery series?

How many books will be in the series?
There will be four in this series called The Adventures of John and Julia Evans. To read an excerpt from each of my books, you can visit http://www.lindaweaverclarke.com/
Any last words for the readers?
Mayan Intrigue will be released on August 30th and I’m having a week long celebration with a book give-away at my Blog at http://lindaweaverclarke.blogspot.com/