A World I Never Made

I want to thank Mr. LePore for sending me a copy of his book to review.

Pat Nolan has been estranged from his daughter, Megan for a long time. The last time he spoke to her was when she called him on Christmas day. Since then he has not heard a word from her. So you can imagine his surprise when he receives a farewell letter from Megan. She committed suicide.

Pat travels half way around the world to retrieve his daughter’s remains. When he arrives in Paris, he learns that Megan gave birth to a son. He also discovers that Megan was not in Paris the whole time but living in Morocco. Pat suspects something is up. Even though he and Megan have not had the best of relationships, he can not believe she would leave her son motherless. Pat decides to retrace Megan’s steps, so he can solve what really happened to her. Things go from bad to worse really quickly. Pat is now the enemies of both the French authorities and a group of international terrorists.

When Megan was in Morocco, she fell in love with a very dangerous man by the name of Abdel Lahani. He is a Saudi businessman but he also deals in terrorism. It is too late for Megan to get out of their relationship. Every step she makes after this will put the lives of millions in danger.

Nothing gets your attention faster then reading a suicide note and this was just the first page. From there the story quickly moved into an international adventure filled with high-intensity and drama. I liked how it seemed like there were duel plots happening at the same time. There was the one that involved Pat seeking the truth about his daughter and the one where the reader was able to be transported back a year to Megan and how she got to the point that she had no more options. I read this book during my whole lunch hour. Nothing could have tore my attention away from this story. The World I Never Made by James LePore is a must read for thriller fans! The only problem I have is that I now have to wait another year for the next book from Mr. LePore to release.

Published by The Story Plant


Darlene said…
I've never heard of this author before Cheryl but this book certainly sounds worth checking out. Thanks for the review. I always learn about a lot of new books visiting you-just what the old tbr pile needs these days. lol.
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