The Lost Prince

Ethan Chase is the brother of Megan, the Iron Queen. Ethan has the ability to see fey. However, he would rather not have this ability. He hates the hate, especially since they just remind him of his sister, Megan who is gone now.

Try as much as Ethan might, he just can not avoid them. Not when his new best friend ends up being part fey. After Todd is kidnapped, Ethan and Kenzie turn to the last person Ethan wanted to see for help, Megan.

I had an enjoyable time reading this book. I fell in love with the Iron Fey series and Ethan’s sister, Megan. So it was great to reconnect with all of the past characters and see Ethan all grown up in this book. I kind of wondered what had happened to him after he was rescued.

I could instantly relate to Ethan and his feelings toward everything fey. The fey are what took Ethan and his sister, Megan away from him. Wow, Megan has also really matured. She is taking the role of Queen seriously. While still on the fence about the starting romantic relationship between Ethan and Kenzie. Not to say that I don’t like Kenzie but for this first book in a new series, just loving revisiting with old friends more then the relationship. I can not wait to read book two, The Traitor Son.


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