Are you in need of some Urgent Care?

The ladies of Angel of Mercy hospital are back. This time the cases are personal. When Charge Nurse, Nora Halloran discovers Nurse Karen Chisholm nude body lying at the cemetery, her defenses go down and she is flooded by bad memories. Nora has a secret that she has kept for two years. No one knows about it. Karen’s death causes a shocking revelation by Nora. She admits she killed Karen. In the mean time, Gina Freeman’s latest patient is a young boy by the name of Tank. His real name is Harold Trenton III. He is fourteen and he has meningococcemia. A flesh eating bacteria disease that is very contagious. Amanda has problems of her own. A young woman by the name of Natalie has been brought to Mercy. No one knows anything about Natalie, other than she is deadly sick and has seizures. Amanda has made it her mission to determine what is wrong with Natalie before it is too late. Urgent Care is the third medical novel by CJ Lyons. I really like this series. The characters are real and so are...