Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search-and-Rescue Dog

I am not that familiar with the search and rescue aspect involving dogs, so it was nice to get to learn about this field. Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search and Rescue Dog really made me appreciate the devotion and dedication that the men, women and dogs spend day after day searching for people. The word “quit” is not in their vocabulary.
I could relate to Susannah and Puzzle’s strong bond. I raised a guide dog for the blind and we got close. His name was Patriot and we relayed on each other. What I found interesting is that for both search and rescue and guides dogs for the blind that the dogs used were the same types of breeds. The main dogs for guide dogs for the blind are Labradors, Golden Retrievers and Germen Shepard, which were all the same types of dogs featured in this book.
While I enjoyed reading this book and learning what type of training Puzzle had to go through, I would have liked to get to have seen Puzzle in action more. Plus, I would have liked to have gotten to know some of the other dogs better. Overall though, Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search and Rescue Dog receives an “Atta Boy” and three paws from me.