Review Opp 2

New memoir offers a heart-wrenching story about a life of hopelessness that blossoms into one of optimism and unlimited opportunities
Fort Wayne, IN - July 22, 2010 - As a boy he watched his father abandon a wife and three sons, leaving author Mettco Sabic to help raise his two siblings. As a young man, he trafficked in the international black market, risking his life to make a living for his family. As a soldier, he deserted the Bosnian National Army to become a rebel freedom fighter, defending his home and the emerging independence of Bosnia.
Then, in an instant, his life changed forever. During one bloody skirmish in his own city, as he knelt to give aid to a wounded soldier, Mettco fell victim to a sniper's bullet, and the world went black.
Despair, depression and drinking consumed him as he could not imagine how he would take care of himself and his family. But one thought pierced his descent into self- destruction - America. If he could only reach this Promised Land, he knew he could reclaim his life.
In Second Sight, a heart-wrenching, dramatic true story, Mettco Sabic takes us through a life of hopelessness to one of optimism and unlimited opportunities. The journey was not easy. Knowing no English, severely disabled, with little money and limited resources, he nevertheless was determined to succeed. Today, Mettco embodies the American dream and he shares his unique view of life not only in the pages of this book but as a motivational speaker throughout his new homeland - America.
About the book:
Second Sight by Mettco Sabic
ISBN: 978-1935359364
Publisher: Book Publishers Network
Date of publish: May 11, 2010
Pages: 117
S.R.P.: $15.95
About the author:
Mettco Sabic is a licensed massage therapist, professional life coach, and owner of a successful small business. To him, his proudest achievement was becoming an American citizen. He lives with his wife, Alma, and daughter Sandra in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
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