Hand of Fate

Jim Fate is the name and face of his radio show, “The Hand of Fate”. Jim’s favorite past time is attacking the government and reading his threat mail on his radio show. He picks out the best ones and reads them on the air in what he likes to call his “Nut of the Day”. It seems that Jim might have taken things a bit too far this time. A package arrives and inside it is a canister of poisonous gas and Jim quickly dies.
FBI Special Agent, Nicole Hedges; Crime reporter, Cassidy Shaw and Federal Prosecutor, Allison Pierce are quick to learn the news and are right on the case. Though, Nicole is a bit distracted seeing as she is pregnant. Cassidy has an extra interest in Jim’s murder. She is not just interested because of a story but because she and Jim were close…really close. You can bet though that with the Triple Threat Club on the case that Jim’s murder will be solved.
Hand of Fate is the second Triple Threat novel by co-authors, Lis Wiehl and April Henry. I have to admit that I had my reservations about this book. I read the first book, Face of Betrayal and wasn’t in love with it. I liked about three quarters of the prior novel and then felt like the ending was a cop out, so I was expecting the same thing from this book. Happily, I can report that sometimes the second time around is better then the first.
Nicole, Cassidy and Allison make an excellent team. Each woman brings something different to the table. What Nicole went through in this story really drew me to her and made her seem more human to me. The beginning, middle and ending were all strong. Hand of Fate is fated to be a winner!