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Paranormal Transformation Gives the Hero in This Novel A Purpose Arlington, TX - July 22, 2010 - Author Richard W. Kelley announces the release of his new paranormal/fantasy novel, Testament.

The police had a lead for the double murder at the gas station on Melor Avenue that night. But why was Thomas, the store clerk, still missing?

After the shooting, Thomas, motionless on the floor, felt the warmth of his blood as it poured out from the wound on his neck. What was that unholy creature with the long black silky hair, he wondered, that had seemed to float into the station just as the shooting had ended?

Before that night Thomas had been living the life of a lazy man, afraid of failure. His disheveled two bedroom apartment and the filthy gas station he worked at from midnight to morning were close reflections of the depraved inner world he inhabited. All of that was about to change. Thomas was about to find a purpose. He was about to find himself. Wandering the city, searching for answers, he was about to find his God.

About the book:

Testament by Richard W. Kelley

ISBN: 978-1432760625

Publisher: Outskirts Press

Date of publish: July 18, 2010

Pages: 216

S.R.P.: $14.95

About the author:

Richard W. Kelly is a native Texan. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the University of North Texas and now works as an analyst. He lives with his wife and two beautiful children in Arlington, Texas. Richard has spent his life dreaming of being a writer and now, with Testament, his first novel, he has made that dream come true.

Note: Review copies of this book are available by emailing


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