Simon the ColdHeart

Simon of Beauvallet otherwise as known as Simon the Cold Heart for a good reason, quickly rises from barely being anyone to someone of great importance and close friend to King Henry. Simon may seem quiet and soft spoken but he didn’t talk just to be the center of attention. When Simon spoke it was because he had something important to communicate and you better listen. Because of this fact, Simon earned the respect of everyone he managed under him, though it might seem harsh or even cold hearted at times and thus the name Simon the Cold Heart came into play. After the Battle of Agincourt, Simon is ordered to take control over the city of Belremy. There Simon meets the lovely Lady Margaret. Lady Margaret is not easily persuaded by Simon’s advances towards her. So than a game begins to see if Simon can woe the Lady Margaret over with his…heart.
I found Simon the Cold Heart to be a very interesting man of both statue and chivalry. I am sad to admit that I have not read Georgette Heyer before though I enjoy reading historical novels. Ms. Heyer’s love of history showed in her writing. She really did her research down to the very smallest of details. I can see why now so many readers love reading Georgette Heyer and her books. Her writing can become very addictive. One minute you are reading and the next thing you realize hours have pasted because you go so engrossed into the story.
great review!