The Bible
I want to thank Lisa with for sending me this book to review.

Bible Illuminated is one of those books that you want to put on display for all to see and read. It is written in such an easy text that anyone can read it with no problems. The pictures shown throughout this book are so breathtaking, they are like art. They are so crystal clear you can stop even the smallest of details not to mention that the pictures just jump off the page at you.

Every time I pick up this book I discover something new. It is like Christmas every day…you never know what you are going to get but when you open your present you are delighted. Mr. Forlaget did a good job with Bible Illuminated considering the subject matter. He could have injected his beliefs and thoughts into this book but instead he kept it pretty true to the original but just with some modernization. Which I felt did not hurt or hinder this book in any way. Pick up a copy of this book and read what every one else is talking about.

Every time I pick up this book I discover something new. It is like Christmas every day…you never know what you are going to get but when you open your present you are delighted. Mr. Forlaget did a good job with Bible Illuminated considering the subject matter. He could have injected his beliefs and thoughts into this book but instead he kept it pretty true to the original but just with some modernization. Which I felt did not hurt or hinder this book in any way. Pick up a copy of this book and read what every one else is talking about.
