Join the Fun
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
Now that you have written a couple of books, do you find that you don’t need to stick to a schedule as much?
Absolutely. If I don’t feel like writing, I don’t write. That could also be a function of enjoying having ‘me’ time after so many years working for others. If anything is forced, it’s not fun. The same is true of writing. I’m afraid if I forced it, I wouldn’t love it as much as I do.
What drew you so much to writing that made you close your business that you had been running for ten years?
I’d always wanted to write, but knew the chances of making a living at it were small. So I became an accountant. Finally, when I was in my mid-forties, it hit me. Exactly when was I planning on writing a book? When would I begin to live my dream? I remember that day so clearly. It was the 4th of July and I was sitting in the gazebo with my dog, watching my husband putter around with his golf clubs. My mind wandered and I thought of an Oprah show I’d just seen and I noodled with book ideas, which is a common hobby of mine. That’s when I wondered when I planned on sitting down and doing it. I went inside, wrote the ending of Amanda’s Rib, and changed my life forever. A few weeks later I shut down the business and began seriously writing.
What did you spend your money on from your first sale?
This is funny, but I was so pleased with my purchase. I bought all different sizes and shapes of food storage containers. Then I tossed all those old margarine and Cool Whip containers I’d been using for leftovers. I still love those new containers. Maybe I should mention I’m kind of a nerd. Like my Olivia character, owning things doesn’t do a lot for me. My car is 17 years old. But it runs. My boat is 22. The motor works just fine. In my opinion money’s greatest value is not what it buys you, but the worries it frees you from. I hope that makes sense. I’m a saver because I don’t want to worry.
If one of your books was made into a movie, who would you want to play the male and female leads?
I’m so out of it with actors and actresses these days. I suppose Linda Hamilton would make a good Amanda Winslow. I haven’t seen her in a movie for a while, but I remember her as pretty in an interesting way. What’s his name, Aaron something, from No Reservations, would be a good Jack Lindsey. The gal with gorgeous eyes, Heather something, Roller Girl from Boogie Nights, would be a great Olivia Chatham. So would Rene Zelwinger (sp). Tucker Monroe…humm…I’m stuck. Maybe Robert Downey Junior. He’d be good. The ages of these people are all over the place, aren’t they?
Your books have your characters solving mysteries. Were you always interested in these types of books?
Always. I loved my Agatha Christie and Nancy Drew and Bobsey Twin books. Mysteries have always been my favorites. But I grew up reading everything. My parents got the Reader’s Digest Condensed Book series, and I’d read them cover to cover. History, biography, fiction, classics, everything was between those covers. Buying those books was probably the best money my parents ever spent.
Who are your favorite authors to read?
Dennis Lehane, Martha Grimes, Carroll O’Connell, Jeffery Deaver, Elizabeth George. There are a lot more, but these always leap to mind when thinking of my favorites. Their characters are so real I feel I know them.
If you could save three books, what three would they be and why?
What a good question! And nearly impossible to answer. It’ll change by tomorrow! But right now I’d say Shutter Island or Mystic River by Lehane, A Great Deliverance by Elizabeth George, and A Maiden’s Grave by Jeffery Deaver.
What is the one thing that you hope your readers get out of your books?
Don’t judge others. Just accept people as they are, knowing most are only doing the best they can. I’d hate a world where we were all alike. Embrace and enjoy our differences.
What other future projects can we look forward to?
Another mystery! This one has new protagonists, but brings in characters from Amanda’s Rib and Oblivious. It will stand alone, but I know Amanda and Olivia and Jack and Tucker so well it helps to have them pop up once in a while.
Thank you again for this interview. Thank you
Check out Cyndia's website at
Again I want to thank Tracee for letting me host Cyndia Depre.

Thats cute that she bought food containers with her first sale! smart lady!
Add another book to my Christmas wish list!
This was a nice interview; I also like her attitude of "if it's not fun, don't do it"