Book Review: Dinner on Primrose Hill


A slice of Americana delivered with her characteristic warmth, endearing characters, and authentic Texan flair, the third Honey Creek novel by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jodi Thomas takes readers to Clifton Bend, Texas, a small college town where two very different scientists must team up on an experiment on "The Chemistry of Mating." Can these two opposites attract and quantify the science of love?

Benjamin Monroe is pretty sure how his life will play out. He'll continue teaching chemistry in his small college, and spend his free time biking through the valley. Eventually, he'll retire to putter around in his garden and greenhouse.

His colleague, Virginia Clark, is not one for routines. She's chatty, spontaneous, and bubbly, and before Benjamin realizes what happened, she's talked him into collaborating on a research project--studying the mating habits of college students. Virginia knows her desire to work with Benjamin is motivated by more than the potential prize money...and hopes he might not be quite as indifferent as he seems to be.

Ketch Kincaid, one of Benjamin's star students, returned to college after serving in the army. He needs something to get his mind off his recent breakup and collecting research data might do it. And there's another distraction on the horizon--a woman who looks like she, too, knows about heartache.

Soon enough, their project, The Chemistry of Mating, is gaining notoriety. Friends, neighbors...the whole town has become involved. But no matter what the data determines, one conclusion seems inescapable: love follows its own rules...

My Review
This is a sweet and charming read. I did enjoy getting to the various couples in this book. Honey Creek is a nice place to visit. Each book can be read as a stand alone novel. The people are genuine. Each couple did not have instant romantic connections. They were slow and sweet; except Ben and Virginia Clark. As Virginia said, they are older and don't have as much time so no time to waste. 

Ben and Virginia are opposites...Ben is a country boy and Virginia a city girl. Yet, they are so good together. Another couple that I liked is Hank and Millie. There was trust issues between them at first. Just because they started out as strangers. Yet, as time went on they got closer to one another. While, I liked Ketch; I  did struggle a bit more to connect with him and his story.  

As a fan and long time reader of Jodi, I do enjoy her books. I look forward to her next one. 


Mystica said…
Sounds a very pleasant read. Thank you for the review.

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